Andry Tiana Ravalomanda

Andry Tiana Ravalomanda has been working in the telecommunication and IT sector for eight years. He currently manages his family’s company and serves as a subcontractor for telecommunication operators by providing full turnkey IT solutions to customers. Andry Tiana Ravalomanda is a board member of GOTICOM, a professional association regrouping 84 local companies working in IT. He is interested in helping local entrepreneurs develop their business, especially in call center and business process outsourcing sectors. He has a degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering. Upon completion of the Washington Fellowship, Andry will work on helping his peers set up a Computer Engineering school in Antananarivo, create a technological center, and regroup small IT companies in order for them to work as a cluster. He believes that the IT sector can positively influence the development of Madagascar. Stayed in Africa.