

Aniella Niyondiko

Aniella Niyondiko

Aniella Niyondiko has 10 years of professional experience in the administration, finance and human resources management field. Currently, Aniella is the Head of Finance in a business law firm and is the owner of a social enterprise that provides waste management and recycling solutions in Burundi, where she lives. Aniella Niyondiko is involved in several business projects with a focus on training women on entrepreneurship, saving, and investment education. Aniella holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Sciences for Development and is currently pursuing her Master’s degree in Project Management at the University of Barcelona in Spain. Aniella is driven by her passion and commitment to address environmental issues and to strengthen women’s education and professional development. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship(Africa), Aniella plans to continue her work of strengthening women’s education and resolving environmental issues in her home country.
