

Annie Mutsa Mazvita Madzara

Annie Mutsa Mazvita Madzara is an Environmental and Developmental Professional with 23 years of experience in the field, 13 of which have been in senior positions. Annie holds a natural and aquatic science qualification at Masters level, a business management degree and a development studies degree at Masters levels, in addition to relevant undergraduate and several post-graduate academic and professional qualifications. Annie Mutsa Mazvita Madzara has field and managerial experience from both the Public, Private and NGO sectors and is a Fellow for Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD International).

Through her association with Parks and Wildlife Management Authority, the Sustainable Tourism Enterprises Promotion (STEP) Trust, and the Southern Alliance for Indigenous Resources (SAFIRE) and through her engagements with many stakeholders Anne has developed skills in the commercialization of natural biological resources and natural resources governance issues. She has provided meaningful direction during the commercialization of the PWLMA where she held the role of Commercial Director.

Through her various professional interactions she has contributed towards the realisation of goals for the many individuals, teams, institutions and clients she has served. Annie has successfully upheld the ethics of doing business, sustainable conservation and gender equality. She also sits on the Board of Allied Timbers Zimbabwe and SAFIRE.
