

Anthony Uponi Esq

Anthony Uponi Esq. is a Legal Practitioner with over 20 years Post graduate experience and practice in legal matters. Anthony Uponi Esq holds a LL.B in Law from the University of Benin and a B.L from Nigerian Law School. He was appointed to the Board of DN Meyer Plc as a Non- Executive Director in July 2010.

Anthony Uponi Esq started his working career with Emeh C. Umeh & Company (1988-1989) as a Solicitor. Presently, he is the Principal Partner of Tony Uponi & Company. He is currently also, the chairman- Cedar Properties Limited; and a Director in Greenwich Trust Limited; Ndokwa Community Bank; Citiprops Limited and Lagoon Oil & Marine Services Limited. He was appointed as a Notary Public by the Chief Justice of Nigeria and registered by SEC as a Capital Market (Legal) Consultant.

He has attended various levels of local and international courses in Legal matters and other top management courses for Directors both in Nigeria Africa and abroad. He is married with children.
