

Anzill Adams

It was Steve Jobs’ take on the “magical” intersection of technology and humanity and CK Prahalad’s book, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid, that made Anzill interested in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) as an enabler for the greater common good. Anzill is an Executive MBA graduate in Systems Thinking from the Graduate School of Business at the University of Cape Town. His sense of a revolution is more CHE than SHA. RFID and Blockchain changed everything and more. He has consulted on a diversified portfolio of RFID (IoT) business processes and discovered blockchain by chance when, at the age of 51, he read the Tapscotts’ seminal work, “Blockchain Revolution”. Via their Blockchain Research Institute (BRI), he completed and graduated from a specialized blockchain program through INSEAD, reinvented himself as a socio-capitalist and am now part of the BLOCKCHAIN REVOLUTION. Site-specific vineyard blocks have now been replaced by site-specific data blocks and NON FUNGIBLE TOKENS.
