April C Wright is an author, teacher, community leader, and hacker who has been a generalist for the last 25+ years, breaking, making, fixing, and defending “all the things” while playing security roles on offensive, defensive, operational, and development teams throughout her career. She travels the globe teaching others about information security, which includes protecting both personal privacy and important assets to make the digital components that impact our lives safer and more secure. Wright has been a speaker and contributor for some of the largest and most prestigious security conferences in the world, including BlackHat, Defcon, and DerbyCon, as well as cyber security organisations such as OWASP and ISSA. She has started multiple small businesses, and in 2017, she co-founded the Boston Defcon Group (DC617) local organisation. While most recently working with Verizon to build more secure software from the ground up through SDLC programs, creating governance and compliance processes, and performing risk reduction with a vengeance via leadership of comprehensive security programs for massive global infrastructures. She is a polymath who specialises in seemingly nothing (except perhaps learning about everything in the hope of sharing and employing her knowledge). Wright has collected dozens of certifications to add letters at the end of her name, from operating systems to social engineering to cloud security to first aid to photography. She once read on ‘the interwebs’ that researchers at the University of North Carolina released a comprehensive report in 2014 confirming that she is the “most significant and interesting person currently inhabiting the earth”, so it must be true.