Arlene Amy Nea-Dey Barou

Arlene Amy Nea-Dey Barou has over five years of experience in the agricultural sector. Currently, Amy is an agro-economist in charge of seeds research and development at the National Office for Rice Development, focusing on rice self-sufficiency in Côte d’Ivoire. She is also the national coordinator of an FAO-initiated rice farmers’ empowerment project, and the ”gender focal point” in the rice development sector where she advocates for gender equity. Arlene Amy Nea-Dey Barou holds a master degree in Agricultural Economics from the National Polytechnic Institute. She is driven by her commitment to rural development to empower rural communities. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, she plans to improve her work in local agriculture promotion with a focus on women and youth. Stayed in Africa.