

Arnaud Gahimbare

Arnaud Gahimbare

Arnaud Gahimbare has over nine years of experience in information technology in the private sector, humanitarian organizations, the United Nations Common System and currently in a regional intergovernmental organization in various countries. Arnaud Gahimbare is a Rotarian in the Rotary Club of Arusha Mount Meru, where he focuses on ‘service beyond self’ by initiating activities to improve the lives of his community. He is currently working with Rotary to provide Njiro Hill Primary and Secondary School in Arusha with clean drinking water, and to safeguard their property. Arnaud holds a bachelor’s degree of Science in IT from the Uganda Christian University. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Arnaud will continue working for the East African Community bringing justice closer to people through the use of technology, and at the same time giving back to his community through Rotary and any other means possible.
