

Ash Stephenson

Ash is a dynamic entrepreneur whose ingenuity knows no bounds. At the heart of all his achievements lies Strawtown (, a revolutionary sustainable housing solution. Harnessing agricultural waste, Strawtown turns it into carbon-negative building materials, providing affordable housing in developing nations. Founded in January 2021, Strawtown is Ash’s brainchild. His leadership, relentless innovation, and fervour for change have been instrumental in ensuring seamless integration of this trailblazing solution into African communities.

Ash’s multifaceted career also spans fintech, fashion, and more. As a co-founder of Beacon & Armour, a sustainable fashion start-up, as well as being part of the core team to build a neobank in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, his acumen in strategic leadership and product management have marked remarkable growth and user experiences.

However, it is Strawtown that resonates most profoundly with Ash’s dedication to making a tangible impact. Specifically, in Africa, Ash’s vision for Strawtown is to rebuild impoverished communities, embarking on transformative initiatives that foster respect for the land whilst improving living conditions. His hands-on approach and commitment have engendered not just better housing but a renewed sense of pride and dignity among residents.

Ash encapsulates the essence of visionary leadership and innovation, with Strawtown standing as a testament to his indomitable spirit and determination to mould a better future through sustainable solutions.
