Awa Moriba Coulibaly

Awa Moriba Coulibaly has over three years’ experience in public administration. Currently, she is a project manager at the Office of Prime Minister’s Minister of Economy and Budget in Côte d’Ivoire. There, she is responsible for analyzing files relating to social cohesion and national reconciliation, gives proposals, participates in the preparation of government work program seminaries, and writes the Prime Minister’s speeches. She holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Bouaké, Côte d’Ivoire after which she graduated in General Administration from the National Administration’s School, ENA-Côte d’Ivoire. Previously, Awa Moriba Coulibaly was in an audit firm, in charge of following budget and accounting for several associations fighting against HIV AIDS. Upon completion of the Fellowship, Awa commits to bring her new experiences to better public services management by sharing and implementing best practices for development of her country and for Africa.