Belinda Afriyie Nimako

Belinda is a medical doctor with nine years’ experience spanning clinical work, project management, research, undergraduate training and leadership, in the public sector. After graduating top of her Master’s in Public Health class, she chose to work in Ghana’s rural districts using her knowledge and skills where most needed. Now, as the Acting Director of Health Services for South Dayi, Belinda leads a 124-person team to design and implement policies and projects and provide clinical care for about 53,000 predominantly rural inhabitants. Belinda Afriyie Nimako has been involved in developing an undergraduate program in public health for the University of Health and Allied Sciences in Ghana. Belinda also compiled a supplement on severe malaria for the World Health Organization. She currently serves on the board of Ghana’s Food and Drugs Authority, and believes the Fellowship will enhance her capacity to contribute effectively to sustainable public health in Ghana and beyond.