

Belyse Nahimana

Belyse Nahimana

Belyse Nahimana, founder of Stand with Women for a Better Future Association (SWBFA), was born in Nyamugari, Gitega, in central part of Burundi. In 2013, Belyse Nahimana started to help deaf-dumb people by translating from verbal language to sign language at school and in the community in general. When she graduated from high school, she joined Upendo Group, a group in charge of helping street children where she is serving as an advisor. In 2015, she founded SWFBA, which is an initiative to empower women to sustain themselves by doing jobs which are normally done by men. She also joined Burundi Friends International in the Women’s Empowerment Department in Gitega province, where she took time to explain to rural women the way they can invest using small grants. Her vision is to see women achieving economic independence. Stayed in Africa.
