Benjamin N’Guessan N’Dri

Benjamin N’Guessan N’Dri has over three years’ experience in the nascent financial inclusion sector. He is founder and CEO of Bee Financial Africa (BFA), a financial advisory startup aiming at providing financial management assistance to entrepreneurs as well as targeting investment opportunities for impact investors operating in the West African Region. In this capacity, he leads the mission and vision of BFA. Benjamin is also founder of the West Africa Institute for Financial Inclusion (WIFI), a NPO dedicated to deepening understanding of, and fostering dialogue around financial instruments affordable to low-income households and entrepreneurs alike. Benjamin N’Guessan N’Dri graduated in Actuarial Science from the National Polytechnics Institute Felix Houphouet Boigny and has delivered financial management, strategic, and operational planning training sessions to more than 75 NGO owners and managing staff across Côte d’Ivoire. Upon completion of the Fellowship, Benjamin plans to build successful partnerships to speed the development of BFA and WIFI.