

Betty C Meleki

Betty Meleki is a Human Resource expert with sixteen years of experience both in the Private and Public sector. Most of her working career has been with large financial institutions in the Financial and Banking Sector both locally and Internationally. In the institutions that she has worked, she has been instrumental in integrating and aligning human resource strategies and systems into the business processes. She also has extensive experience in Organization design, Change management and Employee Engagement.

She has a Bachelor of Arts Degree with a major in Public Administration from the University of Zambia, a post graduate diploma in Management Studies from the Management College of South Africa. She is a Certified Strategic Human Resource Professional (CSHRP) with the Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), accredited by QUALIFI (UK). She is a member of the Zambia Institute of Human Resource Management (ZIHRM) and an accredited member of the Chartered Institute of
