Brenda Kubheka

Dr. Brenda Kubheka is a risk management and ethics consultant. Brenda Kubheka is MD and co-founder of Health IQ Consulting. She has a medical degree from SefakoMakgatho Health Sciences University, a post-graduate Diploma in project Management, an MBA (GIBS) and a Clinical Bioethics Certificate from the Centre for Bioethics, Harvard University.
She is a PhD candidate at the School of Public Health, University of Witwatersrand South Africa. She has worked in both the public and private health sectors, which includes being a medical advisor at Medscheme, a Chief Director for Hospital Services in Mpumalanga DoH and a Chief Medical Officer for Clinix Health Group. She is also a principal in an Accident And Emergency group practice. She special area of interests is in ethics matters related to patient safety, digital communication, social justice, and leadership.