Brett ArchibaldAuto Draft

Cape Town based, Brett fell overboard in the middle of the night, unconscious, into the Indian Ocean. Over the next 28½ hours, he was stung by Portuguese man o’ war and jellyfish, bitten by small fish, attacked by seagulls and hit by a shark – all which just trying to stay alive and afloat – alone in the water. Brett Archibald, an entrepreneur and successful businessman, has become a sought-after corporate speaker and his account of the experience that changed his life, forms the perfect analogy for companies needing to tread water in turbulent times
South African born Archibald matriculated at Westville Boys High and went on to study at Natal University and UNISA. He completed 5 years of articles at Ernst & Young and went on to become a director at RCI Southern Africa before moving to London as Managing Director for Group RCI EMEAI. He believes it was his diverse and challenging global career* that helped him survive those choppy waters. His incredible focus, belief, determination and will to keep going, together with persistence of who saved him, form the backbone of his amazing story.
He says: “People cope with trauma and tragedy in different ways. I feel fortunate to be able to share my story with others in a way that will perhaps give them an insight into what I went through and how it has changed my perspective and outlook on life. I firmly believe we all need to find ways where we can add meaning to our own lives and those around us.”
*included the roles of Group Managing Director of RCI EMEAI with 14 countries reporting in to him, Group Development Director for Wyndham Rental and Exchange in Hong Kong and finally Group Development Director for Wyndham Rental and Exchange Europe, Middle East, Africa, India and Asia based out of London.