Calvin Soh

For over three years, Calvin Soh has developed skills in process-automation and is now starting an automation consultancy, DiscoverWire Solutions where he will be both founder and design engineer. His consultancy will provide innovative solutions to the local food processing industry. Calvin also partners in a social business with peers, serving as program coordinator for Tanabe Cameroon, a non-profit organization that promotes clean energy for rural communities in Cameroon. Calvin Sohalso currently coordinates the construction work of a mini-hydro power plant for over 800 inhabitants. Bilingual in English and French, he holds a Masters in Electrical Engineering from the National Advanced School of Engineering, Polytechnic Yaounde and is very passionate about mentoring startup groups and developing tech skills amongst youths. Upon completion of the Fellowship, Calvin intends to effectively build mentoring groups and continue working on process-automation systems while expanding into the health-tech industry.