

Carine Nzimba Zere

Carine Nzimba Zere

Carine Zere Nzimba is an indigenous human rights activist; President of Association ‘Debout Femmes Autochthones du Congo’ (ADFAC). In addition, Carine is the Secretary in Charge of Human Rights at ‘Reseau National des Populations Autochthones du Congo’, a network of indigenous organizations that work to promote and defend the rights of the indigenous people in the Congo. Currently, Carine works as a Foreign Affairs and Diplomatic Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Congo. Finally, Carine has been a long-time advocate for the representation of the indigenous people at the highest level of the government in her Country. In partnership with international organizations, Carine works to improve access to education and health services for indigenous women in her country, Congo-Brazzaville.
