


View professional biographies of prominent Gabon celebrities, politicians, corporate and business leaders.

Fabrice Nze-Bekale

Currently Managing Partner at ACT Afrique, the leading boutique investment banking and advisory firm in West Africa, Fabrice Nze-Bekale has built an international career in financial services, telecoms and mining, in the private and public sectors. Before joining the ACT, Fabrice launched and ran the national mining company of Gabon (SEM) for 6 years. SEM… read more »

Romain Vangah-Deniel

Romain Vangah-Deniel has over five years of experience in the financial industry of the public sector. Romain is currently working as advisor to the Minister of Commerce and Small and Medium Enterprises, where he focuses on improving the business climate, establishing a database of economic operators, and proposes adequate political support to local entrepreneurs. Romain… read more »

Angele Traoret

Angele Traoret has over 10 years’ experience in the communications and sales sectors. Since 2008 she has been the chief executive officer of Unik Africa,[Gabon], a communication and publishing agency where she manages a team of five people and is responsible for delivering comprehensive communications consulting services for its customers. She recently pioneered a book… read more »

Marie-Noelline Pemba Boussougou

Marie-Noelline Pemba Boussougou has a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with an Entrepreneurship option from the Institut Superieur de Technologie of Gabon. She defines herself as a social entrepreneur. She has one year of experience as the general manager of her startup, La Maison de L’Orthopedie, which specializes in the distribution of orthopedic aids for… read more »

Franck Arnie Asseko Oyono

Franck Arnie Asseko Oyono has been working as a consultant and volunteer in various fields in the community development area. Franck Arnie Asseko Oyono is a specialist in policy advocacy and strategic partnership. Currently, Frank works a consultant for Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) Gabon and another local NGO, where he focuses on advocacy… read more »

Cynthia Onangah

Cynthia Onangah has over two years of experience in business law, primarily in the entrepreneurship sector. Currently, Cynthia Onangah is a Legal Monitoring and Business Law Adviser at Junior Achievement Gabon, where she focuses on advising and accompanying entrepreneurs. She is the founder and chairwoman of Gabon Leader Opportunity Business and Entrepreneurs (GLOBE) and a… read more »

Ouleymatou Bernadette Ogombe Sangare

Ouleymatou Bernadette Ogombe Sangareis a dynamic and smiling young woman who has nearly ten years of experience in the accounting and finance sector. After obtaining her Certified Public Accounting (CPA) degree in 2017, Ouleymatou Bernadette Ogombe Sangarecreated her own accounting firm, part of which is dedicated to small businesses. Bernadette is also very involved in… read more »

Romuald Ndong Assoumou

Romuald Ndong Assoumou holds a Master’s degree in African Societies and Civilizations history from Omar Bongo University in Libreville. Romuald Ndong Assoumou also has a degree from the National Superior School which trains teachers in Gabon. He has four years of experience teaching History and Geography at Mikolongo High School. Romuald is passionate about education,… read more »

Annaick Meline Moubouyi

Annaick Meline Moubouyi currently works for a state agency operating in the digital sector, with a focus on raising awareness on cyber crimes in Gabon. Annaick Meline Moubouyi main project consists of building a women’s network addressing topics such as e-reputation and the necessity of adopting laws in Gabon to protect citizens from cybercriminals. She… read more »

Sandrine Mengue M’Efoue

Since 2014,Sandrine Mengue M’Efoue has been involved in addressing the issue of teenage unwanted pregnancy and female empowerment. She is the vice-president of AMR (Association pour la maternité responsible), where she develops programs to empower young women, using mentorship and training as her main strategies.Sandrine Mengue M’Efoueis active in promoting female entrepreneurship in Gabon through… read more »

Dorine Orchydee Mekame

Dorine Orchydee Mekame has over seven years of experience in private and public management focusing on business administration. Currently, Dorine is an Assistant Advisor to the Prime Minister’s Office. After four years of experience in the private sector within an Israeli multinational specialized in power station construction and security equipment implementation, Dorine Orchydee Mekame created… read more »

Yoan Michel Mboussou

Yoan Michel Mboussou has five years of experience in community development, especially in community health and African culture. Currently, Yoan is a medical doctor and manager of the Medivision clinic in Libreville. Yoan Michel Mboussouis also the president of the Espoir Gabon Association, which promotes traditional Gabonese culture. Yoan studied medicine at the University of… read more »

Joshard-Martin Mbambi-Moyale

Joshard-Martin Mbambi-Moyale is a social entrepreneur who is passionate about community development matters. Joshard-Martin Mbambi-Moyale is the founder and president of JM Entrepreneurship, an NGO which advocates for entrepreneurial education to foster community development in Gabon and Africa. He is a 2017 International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP) alumnus. Today, he is coaching, mentoring, writing books,… read more »

Gina Carmella Leboungou Nzengue

In 2010, Gina Carmella Leboungou Nzengue co-founded the first Gabonese job board, In 2012, this work was recognized by the President of the Gabonese Republic President with a National Order of Merit. She has four yearsäó» experience working at a radio station, where she sold advertising and worked on finding new customers and contracts,… read more »

Hans Foungues

Hans Foungues has ten years’ international experience in communication and over six years’ experience in the community development sector. Currently, Hans Foungues is a private consultant working to develop peace-building activities, and leading the NGO, ‘Entrepreneurs Nouvelle Génération’ where he focuses on initiating and designing programs to foster sustainable development in Gabon. He volunteers in… read more »
