


View professional biographies of prominent African celebrities, politicians, corporate and business leaders.

Rado Nirina Harintsoa Rakotosamimanana

Rado Harintsoa Rakotosamimanana has over ten years of experience in project management and over seven years of experience in peace-building, youth empowerment, and education. Currently, Rado is a Country Office Representative at World Merit Madagascar(Africa), where they focus on empowering youth and creating a global network of young changemakers. They also work on achieving the… read more »

Gleadae Harmon Hoskins

Gleadae Harmon-Hoskins has over four years of experience working in the development and natural resource sector in Liberia. Gleadae currently works at a national non-governmental organization, Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) in Liberia. Her work as national program assistant focuses on implementing project activities and managing program delivery in an effective and efficient manner, legal research… read more »

Wahdae-mai Harmon

Wahdae-mai Harmon has over three years’ experience in the Liberian health sector, working in both Redemption Hospital and two Ebola treatment units. The Ebola responsibilities included leading and managing 40 nurses and hygienists and caring for positive Ebola patients. She is the president of Life Saving Initiatives, a local NGO delivering health care to low… read more »

Fidele Rakotonjanahary

Fidele Rakotonjanahary is the previous president, and current adviser of YSO-Madagascar, a nonprofit organization. Fidele Rakotonjanahary is responsible for environmental topics and communication of the regional platform of Civil Society in the Southwest of Madagascar. At YSO-Madagascar, he works on the protection and conservation of the environment through sensitization, reforestation, and planting to stabilize dunes… read more »

James Alben Greaves

James Alben Greaves has over four years of experience in youth development and child justice advocacy. Currently, he is the Coordinator of the Juvenile Diversion program and chair on the Independent Accreditation Committee of Orphanages in Liberia where he identifies specially designed programs for juveniles who come in conflict with the law and are ordered… read more »

Mioraniaina Johane Rakotondrasoarivelo

Mioraniaina Johane Rakotondrasoarivelo has over six years of experience in the community development and education sectors. Currently, she is the vice-president of GAZELA Madagascar, a foundation dedicated to children’s rights and youth empowerment in the rural community of Itaosy. She helps young people find decent employment and provides disadvantaged children with access to free education…. read more »

Sydell Poyoe Goll

Sydell Poyoe Goll is a Liberian with about 10 years of experience working as a teacher, community mobilizer, and child protection officer. Currently, she is employed by Save the Children International as a child protection officer working with girls, women, ebola survivors, and children that have been orphaned by ebola. Sydell Poyoe Goll has helped… read more »

Andry Heriniaina Rakotomanana

Andry Heriniaina Rakotomanana has over four years of experience in the field of teaching and in leading small associations. Andry Heriniaina Rakotomanana is currently co-leader of an association called LIME (Lafayette Initiative for Malagasy Education), and is in charge of mentoring and preparing members to take the TOEFL (test of English as a foreign language)… read more »

Gbolu Patience Goldore

Gbolu Patience Goldore has over four years of experience in the public sector, focusing on finance and financial management. Currently, Gbolu works as an assistant project accountant with the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning’s Project Financial Management Unit. She is responsible for providing financial management services for government projects sponsored by donors, working directly… read more »

Laura Golakeh

Laura Golakeh is a youth and women’s right advocate who has overcome the odds of poverty, civil crisis and social inequality. She coordinated the first young women empowerment center in her community and is currently the founder and Executive Director of Right to Read, a community based organization with a goal to provide access to… read more »

Hanitrarinosy Andreannick Daniela Rakotomamonjy ep. Le Moal

Hanitrarinosy Andreannick Daniela Rakotomamonjy ep. Le Moal has over eleven years of experience in project development, business management and strategy, and public relations. Currently, Daniela is the chief executive officer of ACE, a group of five multisectoral companies specialized in public, private partnership projects in renewable energy, urban and rural land reform, agribusiness, and ecotourism…. read more »

Julius SM Gilayeneh

Julius SM Gilayeneh is a Liberian medical doctor currently working at the Redemption Hospital in Monrovia. Julius SM Gilayeneh is a committed and dedicated public servant who works passionately to provide relief and hope for underprivileged women in Liberia. In his over two years of clinical practice, he has performed a significant number of lifesaving… read more »

Olivia Rakotomalala

Olivia Rakotomalala has over five years’ work experience in the development sector, particularly in natural resource management. She currently works as a consultant for the World Bank office in Madagascar in the environment and extractive industries sectors, and as a governance and electoral technical advisor for a local NGO. Olivia Rakotomalala is responsible for designing… read more »

Randy Xarri George

Randy Xarri George has over five years of experience in technology, business and social impact roles. As a Special Projects Officer at iLab Liberia, Randy Xarri George runs projects centered around transparency, accountability, peace building, access to information, and youth development. Xarri uses technology to break barriers, foster growth and create lasting, meaningful changes. He… read more »

Heriniaina Rakotomalala

Heriniaina Rakotomalala has been working on land issues for six years. Since 2013, he has been the research and knowledge officer of the Madagascar Land Observatory, which produces information and evidence in order to help the Malagasy Government implement land reform. As research officer, Heriniaina Rakotomalala leads the evaluation of the impact of land reform… read more »
