


View professional biographies of prominent African celebrities, politicians, corporate and business leaders.

Neresa Sugarlum Klubo Gbozee

Neresa Sugarlum Klubo Gbozee is a Liberian accountant. Currently, she is the Owner and Manager of a decoration and catering firm and a restaurant. Neresa has volunteered with the International Colloquium on women’s empowerment, leadership development, and international peace and security. She has also worked for local and international NGOs. Neresa prides herself on planning… read more »

Louis Manoa Rakotoarison

Louis Manoa Rakotoarison has three years experience in non-profit organization, focusing on education. Louis Manoa Rakotoarison is currently the President and co-founder of the Teach For Madagascar movement. Manoa and his team have created four original projects that aim to connect educated young Malagasy volunteers (Zoky), with the marginalized social class. His organization is based… read more »

Adolphus Teewah Gblorso

Adolphus Teewah Gblorso has over four years of experience in community organizing, specifically focusing on gender equality and human rights initiatives. Currently, Adolphus works for Oxfam in Liberia as the Gender Justice Coordinator, where he coordinates the design and implementation of programs that promote gender equality, women’s economic empowerment, and access to justice. Adolphus manages… read more »

Lova Navalona Rakotoarisoa

Lova Navalona Rakotoarisoa is a development practitioner in Madagascar(Africa) who consults as a training expert for various local NGOs and foundations. In addition, Lova Navalona Rakotoarisoa is the executive director and founder of YES-TaFiTa, a nonprofit organization that aims to empower Malagasy youth to become advocates for social justice and human rights in their communities…. read more »

Mbolatiana Ravakiniaina Rakotoarimalala

Mbolatiana Ravakiniaina Rakotoarimalala has worked in Marketing for seven years. Her main focus is the promotion of new products to be introduced into the market. Mbolatiana Ravakiniaina Rakotoarimalala is currently working for Safi Madagascar(Africa) as a Sales Manager. Her main responsibility is to launch and promote the use of stoves powered by bioethanol. Mbolatiana is… read more »

Miora Harifetra Rajaonasitera

Miora Harifetra Rajaonasitera is the Head of Operations at Madagascar Consulting, a company that promotes agricultural products from farmer organizations to numerous international markets. She creates and supports extensive networks of farmers who produce spices such as cloves, cinnamon, and vanilla. Her goal is to expand and empower the community of farmers to build sustainable… read more »

Justino Hermann Raharizoandrinirina

Justino Hermann Raharizoandrinirina is the Founder and CEO of the Kingdoms’ Food Company-KI.FO.CO, which processes chocolates and cheese. Through he Kingdoms’ Foundation, he helps marginalized children and young people have access to fundamental Education and English language skills, and supports struggling families. Justino Hermann Raharizoandrinirina is the Coordinator of the SU.DE.MA, a Sustainable Development NGO… read more »

Ruth Nyanamah Gbatoe

Ruth Nyanamah Gbatoe has over six years’ experience in the Liberian media. She currently serves as a program assistant at the Center for Media Studies and Peace Building. Ruth Nyanamah Gbatoe holds a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communications from the United Methodist University. Ruth is driven by a passion for promoting media rights, freedom… read more »

Tahina Rahandrifenosoa

Tahina Rahandrifenosoa has over fifteen years of experience in building and leading different projects regarding youth development. Currently, outside his responsibilities as pastor, Tahina Rahandrifenosoa runs a transformational leadership program called “School for the Young”, which focus on building young people’s capacities in different areas and committing them through faith. Tahina holds a master’s Degree… read more »

Vera G Mussah

Vera G Mussah earned a Master’s degree in International Public Health from Queensland University, and has worked for over eight years with international non-governmental and governmental institutions from a community to national level. Vera G Mussah currently directs the County Health Services at the Ministry of Health, where she ensures the full implementation of their… read more »

Hetiarivony Hasinandrasana Zo Mamisoa Rabetsimamanga Ep. Rafenomanantsoa

Hetiarivony Hasinandrasana Zo Mamisoa Rabetsimamanga Ep. Rafenomanantsoa serves as the National Business Development Specialist at the PROSPERER Program, which is focused on providing rural entrepreneurs and young people with entrepreneurial skills. Her role is to mentor several Business Development Officers in the poorest regions of Madagascar so that they can directly provide mentorship and support… read more »

Siedoh Freeman

Siedoh Freeman is a Co-Founder of a local NGO, the Community Based Initiative for Disease Surveillance and Sustainable Development (CBI-DSSD). She has a BSC in Biology and is a graduate of the A.M. Dogliotti College of Medicine, University of Liberia. Professionally, she has served as a Peer Educator for the Planned Parenthood Association of Liberia… read more »

Adrienne Irma Rabemanantsoa

Adrienne Irma Rabemanantsoa from Madagascar(Africa) is a very dynamic young multitasker. She was a translator, an interpreter, a journalist, a communication consultant, an English teacher and, a radio-producer, all at one time. When she realized she could not do it all, she decided to focus on her favorite activity: translation and interpretation, in which she… read more »

Gladys M Freeman

Gladys M Freeman has a six years’ experience in business management. Currently, she is the business manager of Liberia Pure Honey. Through her business ideas, she has been able to create jobs for Liberians, positively impacting their lives. Gladys M Freeman holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from the United Methodist University in… read more »

Benjamin Freeman Jr

Benjamin Freeman Jr has four years of experience designing and implementing school based programs aimed at reducing the performance gap between top and under-performing students across Liberia. He serves as the Executive Director of the Liberia Institute for the Promotion of Academic Excellence, an NGO that applies a data driven approach to ensuring access to… read more »
