


View professional biographies of prominent African celebrities, politicians, corporate and business leaders.

Ulrichia Francelle Rabefitiavana

Ulrichia Francelle Rabefitiavana has five years of experience serving as the Health compliance Coordinator of the Corporate Social Responsibility department at Ambatovy, a mining company in Africa based in Madagascar. Her responsibilities include initiating, developing, and supporting the implementation of an effective health program between the company and all stakeholders. Ulrichia Francelle Rabefitiavana has developed… read more »

Rindraniaina Rabearivony

Rindraniaina Rabearivony is in charge of communication at the Faculty of Law, Economy, Management, and Sociology at the University of Antananarivo. Moreover, she is a lecturer at Iscam Madagascar, a business school, in the field of Human Resources Management (HRM). As she believes that education is the most powerful tool to eradicate poverty, she provides… read more »

Narindra Mathieu Rabarinirina

Narindra Mathieu Rabarinirina has over five years of experiences as an activist in youth and economic empowerment with emphasis on promoting gender equality. Currently, Mathieu is the Resources Mobilization Manager of a youth-led organization called Youth First, where he provides training in leadership and personal development, economic empowerment, and advocacy work. Mathieu holds a Master… read more »

Mahatante Tsimanaoraty Paubert

Mahatante Tsimanaoraty Paubert has over nine years of experience in various roles in fishery management, environment, leadership and society, and physical and biological oceanography. Currently, Paubert presides over the Regional Platform of Civil Society Organizations in southwestern Madagascar, where more than 270 NGO and associations members focus on promoting good governance, environment, gender, health, education… read more »

Matthew M Fred

Matthew Fred is a humanitarian and journalist with five years of experience working to resolve conflict and discrimination issues among tribal communities in rural Grand Bassa County, Liberia. Matthew M Fred currently serves as the founder and President of the Youth Against Tribalism In Africa (YATIA), a non-profit youth led organization striving to eradicate tribalism…. read more »

Mercy N Flomo

Mercy N Flomo is an auditor, banker, and entrepreneur with over five years of experience in public and private sectors in Liberia. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Accounting from the Stella Maris Polytechnic in Monrovia and currently works as an auditor for the United Bank for Africa, Liberia(Africa). Mercy N Flomo has drawn on… read more »

Elysé Rabearivola Nomenjanahary

Elysé Rabearivola Nomenjanahary has over five years’ experience in environmental conservation, community-based ecotourism, and rural development. Elysé Rabearivola Nomenjanahary currently works as the leader of an association called The Research Assistant Group Association of Diego Suarez (RAGADS), and also acts as a co-coordinator. He has been instrumental in creating a community-managed conservation and ecotourism project… read more »

Marie Christina Kolo

Marie Christina Kolo has over five years of experience in youth empowerment and NGOs project management in France, India, Senegal, China and Madagascar. She’s a climate activist, social entrepreneur, and founder of the cultural and eco-friendly center Green N Kool. She is a co-founder of the Indian Ocean Climate Network, a youth network that promotes… read more »

Riantsoa Kanto Najaina Tovohasimbavaka

Riantsoa Kanto Najaina Tovohasimbavaka is a young Malagasy activist for youth. She has over twelve years of experience advocating for girl’s and women’s rights, and over three years of experience in youth empowerment. A dynamic change maker, she is now the Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Manager at Youth First, a youth-led Malagasy organization focused on… read more »

Nehemiah Baryogar Fensuah

Nehemiah Baryogar Fensuah is a Liberian economist with six years’ experience in the public financial management sector of Liberia(Africa). Nehemiah Baryogar Fensuah is currently an economist at Liberia’s Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, where his responsibilities are to provide technical support to the assistant minister for economic policy on issues relating to economic research,… read more »

Rakotoarisoa Holiniaina

Rakotoarisoa Holiniaina has more than five years’ experience in local inclusive development, especially social inclusion and participation of people with disabilities through the Community-Based Rehabilitation (CBR) program in Antananarivo. Rakotoarisoa Holiniaina is the executive director and founder of Merci NGO, where she currently applies the best of her knowledge and skills in the management and… read more »

Samuel Talwa Duo Jr

Samuel Talwa Duo Jr has over ten years of experience in management and civic leadership with a focus on community services, community development, training and capacity building, and human resources management. Samuel Talwa Duo Jr is the Executive Director of Calvary Empowerment Team (CET), a local not-for-profit organization working with children and youths in Liberia…. read more »

Christian Esperant Tomarielson

Christian Esperant Tomarielson is the co-founder of a powerful organization, Youth First and the leader of its flagship Young Women Leadership Program (YWLP). Christian Esperant Tomarielson is the coordinator of Youth First’s newly implemented global citizenship program which envisions a national community of young people who believe in their self worth and are motivated to… read more »

Samuel Douglass Karyah (Sam)

Samuel Douglass Karyah (Sam) is a young Liberian social entrepreneur with over eight years’ practical experience in community empowerment. He presently serves as the executive director of the Liberian (Africa) Innovation Foundation for Empowerment (LIFE), a hybrid organization that uses integrated community development activities and empowerment interventions. Samuel Douglass Karyah (Sam) co-founded LIFE to mitigate… read more »

Adrienne Andriantsialonina

Adrienne Andriantsialonina is a language instructor currently working at the English Teaching Program in collaboration with the American Centre of Madagascar that provides English teaching to professionals as well as high school and university graduates. For seventeen years, she has been designing and delivering tailored training for specific purposes. Adrienne holds a Bachelor’s degree in… read more »
