Cecil Ndivhuwo Mashawana

Cecil Ndivhuwo Mashawana gained work experience at Levi’s South Africa as a Sales Assistant Manager from 1999-2003. In 2004 – 2005 he then moved to start his career in ICT where he joined Du Point Telecoms, a Telecommunication company as Account Manager for a year. In 2005 Cecil Joined Arivia. Kom as a Senior Account Executive (Customer Advocate) responsible for Public Sector, DWAF (Department of Water Affairs and Forestry). He worked closely with the CIO representing the organization‘s culture with regard to IT as enabler for DWAF to carry its mandate.
In 2007 he joined Masana Technology as an Executive for Public Sector in Gauteng, bringing forth experience in the field of Information Technology and a wealth of knowledge on Public Sector operations. In 2008 he was deployed by Masana to be part of the CIO Account Executive for the City of Joburg.
Cecil, has a broad base and extensive experience and understanding of Technology and Government Business. Part of his strategy and role in City of Joburg has involved in building relationships with the Public Sector clients, spending a lot of time with government officials understanding their objectives and mandate then align technology to be an enabler to ensure those objectives are met. He then worked closely with Business Relationship Management Directorate in one of the OCIO business unit. He played a significant role in empowering SME’s and Black Economic Empowerment organizations by partnering them and helping grow their skills, capacity, revenue and knowledge within the IT Sector.
In 2009, he moved and work under Dimention Data were he continued servicing the office of CIO to assist the office to achieve its 2030 mandate to make the city of Joburg the World African City. He is currently the executive director of Telco-Link.