

Christian Esperant Tomarielson

Christian Esperant Tomarielson

Christian Esperant Tomarielson is the co-founder of a powerful organization, Youth First and the leader of its flagship Young Women Leadership Program (YWLP). Christian Esperant Tomarielson is the coordinator of Youth First’s newly implemented global citizenship program which envisions a national community of young people who believe in their self worth and are motivated to be leaders and change-makers in their communities. To promote women’s empowerment and leadership he volunteered to train 352 young women aged 18-24 from seven Regions of Madagascar, who in turn trained 1,025 more young women over the following two years. He is skilled in strategic communication, advocacy, and the teaching of English for communication. The Fellowship will foster his competencies in leadership and social volunteering, fundraising, and project financial management, to take Youth First’s expertise to the next level so it can fulfil its mission to become the core partner of the State, and an international reference. Stayed in Africa.
