

Clara Ezioma Okorie

Clara Ezioma Okorie

Clara Okorie has over 16 years of experience in the community development sector. She is an Ambassador to the United Nations and Main Representative of African Youths for Transparency International (AYFT /YTI), an NGO in special consultative status with ECOSOC of the United Nations since 2007. Clara Ezioma Okorie is active in several roles and positions including being a member of the International Youth Council of the United Nations, serving as a Mara Mentor, and working as a certified gender analyst. In addition, Clara is the National PRO of the Quintessential Business Women Association and winner of the 2008 Nelson Mandela – Gracia Machel Innovation Award. Upon completion of the Washington Fellowship Clara plans to expand her work with a focus on empowering women and youth in her country. She also intends to plan and execute sensitization workshops to stop violence against women. Stayed in Nigeria.
