

Craig Dean

Executive Chairman and CEO Gerald Group

Craig Dean is Chairman and CEO of Gerald Group. Craig has over 25 years of experience in the global commodities trading and shipping sectors, and previously was Partner in Audit at Deloitte & Touche.

Gerald Group has established itself over six decades as the largest, independent and employee-owned global metals merchant of non-ferrous, ferrous and precious metals and related concentrates and raw materials. The Group offers its services and expertise across the entire global value chain, including sourcing, storage, logistics, finance solutions, hedging and marketing.

Craig prioritises Gerald Group’s approach to investing in and developing Africa’s mining sectors by being a preferred, long-term partner of governments and investors, and its interests include, iron ore (Sierra Leone), tin, cobalt and copper (Democratic Republic of Congo) and copper and zinc (Republic of Congo). As one of the largest suppliers of high-grade tin, Gerald Group supports development of producers, including Alphamin Resources Bisie tin mine, and it has successfully redeveloped Marampa Mines Limited, which produces 65% Fe grade iron ore concentrate, Marampa BlueTM. The Group plays a role in advancing a more sustainable metals trade and promotes gender diversity.

Craig is a U.S. Certified Public Accountant with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting from University of Connecticut (1997); he is a member of the Swiss Chamber of Accountants “Chambre Fiduciaire” and the Connecticut Society of Certified Public Accountants, and is a dual American and Swiss national, and fluent in English and French.
