

Cynthia Chebet Lesan

Cynthia Chebet Lesan

Cynthia Chebet Lesan is a young and vibrant environment enthusiast, who sees the world as a home not only for us, but also for our future generations. Her passion for the environment drove her to establish BrightGreen Renewable Energy, a company that creates green fuels from agricultural and urban wastes as an alternative energy source for homes and industries. Cynthia Chebet Lesan is involved in product innovation, iteration, and development. She is also actively engaged in programs that sensitize local communities and industries on the importance of environmental preservation and promotion of eco-friendly activities. Chebet holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design from the University of Nairobi and has three years’ experience in the renewable energy sector. Her aspiration is to see an empowered Africa whose economy is driven by eco-friendly activities, a people who value their environment, and diverse national cultures that have embraced clean energy as a way of life. Stayed in Kenya.
