Debby Kubaburhanzi Shukuru

Debby Kubaburhanzi Shukuru has twelve years’ experience in the development and human rights field, with a focus on advocating for deaf people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Currently, Debby is the Executive Director of a deaf association in North Kivu and is the Professional Training and Technical Promotion Manager at the Ephphatha Center for the Deaf in Goma. Debby holds a Master’s degree in Development Sciences from the Great Lakes Superior Institute of Rural Development (ISDR-GL) in Goma town, DR Congo, where he focused on the social and community organization track. Debby has a deep commitment to advocating for the social and economic development of people living with deafness in his country and all over Africa. Debby Kubaburhanzi Shukuru hopes that Africa will become an inclusive society with socioeconomic development and advancement for persons living with deafness. His goal includes high-quality education and vocational training, and provision of job opportunities through entrepreneurship. He advocates for deaf community building and social inclusion.