

Desiree-Anne Martin

Desiree-Anne Martin

Desiree-Anne Martin – Inspirational is a published author, poet and general word junkie. Desiree-Anne is now available through Conference Speakers

She is an addictions and general counselor in private practice, a director of a company, a lecturer on topics around addiction and she runs workshops for adolescents about boundaries, consent, high-risk behavior, emotional regulation and relationships.

Desiree-Anne Martin is a postgraduate student from the University of Cape Town in South Africa, a wife, full time mother and a part time warrior woman.

She is a recovering addict with over fourteen years of sobriety after having been enslaved to a multitude of addictions including an eating disorder, self-harm and, her rock bottom, an intravenous heroin addict. This led to a life of criminal activity and sex work.

She dabbles in her own unpredictable mood disorder and she is a vocal advocate for mental health issues as well as the destigmatization of these and other taboo issues.

She self-published a poetry book / journal called ‘believe more deeply’ in April 2018. Her poetry has been featured in print poetry anthologies and on poetry e-zines and websites.

In June 2018, her short story about racial identification as a young girl called ‘Orange, White and Blue’ was published in the Life Righting Collective’s anthology, ‘This is How It Is’, published by Jacana.

In August 2018, she published her “Searing, Brutal and Breathtaking” (Rehana Rossouw) memoir, ‘We Don’t Talk About It. Ever’ (published by MFBooks JHB/Jacana) which chronicles her life’s struggles which include childhood sexual abuse, family disfunction, addiction, struggles in recovery, toxic relationships and mental health concerns. It is, however, ultimately a story of redemption and hope.

Desiree-Anne Martin is an avid believer in hope and resilience, she will back the underdog at any given chance, and she is dedicated to helping others see that they can take responsibility for their lives and to make lasting changes.

She feels compelled to write and to tell her story, so that her truth may perhaps resonate with someone in a significant way.
