Dopgima Stella Guelleu

Dopgima Stella has over 11 years’ experience in community development, particularly women’s empowerment and gender issues in Cameroon. With a master’s in Women and Development from Ewha Womans University, South Korea, she is a gender expert and activist working with the Delegation for Women’s Empowerment and the Family South West Region Cameroon. She is also the chief of service for General and Youth Affairs. She’s in charge of educating women and young girls on their rights through the radio, community visits, workshops, and focus group discussions. She is also the youngest councilor of the Buea council. Dopgima Stella Guelleu initiated an education project called ’20bucks a child’, which assists needy children in her community. In 2014, 55 needy children benefited, and the number rose to 95 in 2015. Coming back with fresh new ideas from this Fellowship, she will be better placed to herald her plans for women and for development in her country.