Dr. Angelica Njuguna

Angelica Njuguna has experience for many years in policy and economic research, teaching and training African researchers for capacity building in Africa. Dr. Angelica Njuguna has written and co-authored several research, technical and policy papers in the area of economics such as growth, productivity, economic diversification, economic convergence, potential output and output gap, economic policies and regional integration. In terms of teaching and capacity building, one of my main achievements of Dr. Njuguna is the development of the curriculum for Masters in Econometrics degree at Kenyatta University, where she serves as a Senior Lecturer. Angelica Njuguna has been privileged to conduct training in econometrics, research methods and computer applications which participants comprised of middle managers and policymakers from Ministries of Finance & Planning, Central Banks, and African Research Institutions (such KIPPRA and UNECA). Also, Dr. Angelica Njugun has been involved in teaching and training of post-graduate students both from Kenya (Kenyatta University) and other African countries both PhD and masters students in Econometrics theory and practice through my involvement in the African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) training program. She is actively involved in peer reviewing of research papers and policy strategy documents from various African institutions such as MEFMI, ADB and AERC