Dr. Azar Jammine

Dr Azar Jammine is Director and Chief Economist of South Africa’s leading independent economic research, consultancy and forecasting company, established in 1982. He has been in his current position since December 1985 and has established a significant profile in South Africa as analyst and commentator on domestic and international economic affairs and celebrity guest speaker. As a business or conference speaker, Dr. Jammine has conducted over 4000 presentations to leading client corporations and other institutions as well as at conferences dealing with the local and international economic environment (for this his knowledge of 6 languages has been a great asset).
Academically, Dr. Jammine obtained a BSc (Hons.) in Mathematical Statistics and a BA (Hons) in Economics at Wits, followed by an M.Sc in Economics from the LSE and a PhD at the London Business School.
Dr. Jammine has presented papers on the South African Economy at conferences in Washington, New York, London, Warsaw, Frankfurt, Paris, Phuket, Bahrain, The Hague, Mauritius and Dubai.
Dr. Jammine is also a non-executive director of Federated Employers Mutual, Netcare, GHG (in the UK), York Timbers and Iron Fireman (Pty) Ltd. He has been a member of the Board of St Mary’s School, Waverly since 2000 and an executive director of the General Council of the Independent Schools Association of South Africa (ISASA). Since 2009, Dr. Jammine has also been a member of the National Advisory Council on Innovation, a body of experts appointed by the Department of Science and Technology. He is also on the Foundation body for the Saheti School.
Dr Jammine has been quoted over the years in approximately 1500 newspaper and magazine articles in South Africa and abroad and has been interviewed hundreds of times on local and international radio and television.