Dr. Catherine Lephoto

Dr Catherine Lephoto (PhD) is a Molecular Biologist turned blockchain tech entrepreneur with a passion for sales and business development. Her education has straddled prestigious institutions across the USA, the UK and South Africa. Catherine’s academic career includes many awards for academic excellence and publications in peer-reviewed and other scientific journals. She received her doctoral degree in Microbial Genetics at the age of 28. Her professional career started in academia and later evolved into corporate where she held leadership roles in several multinational corporations operating in the food and brewing industries on the African continent. Recently she led the Covid-19 response programme of the Kingdom of Lesotho in the role of Deputy CEO of the National Covid-19 Secretariat working with cabinet leadership, civil servants, UN agencies and policymakers at the highest level of government.
She is a passionate Pan-Africanist who believes that Africa’s professionals, its youth, and the harnessing of technology and digital solutions can transform the continent’s prospects and future. She is the Executive Sales Director for VX Technologies – a US-registered verified records (VR) company leveraging blockchain technology for storage and verification of records in the health and education sectors. She further serves as a global ambassador of the Bitcoin Association for BSV, a non-profit association (Verein) in Switzerland which seeks to build a regulation-friendly ecosystem that fosters lawful conduct while encouraging digital currency and blockchain innovation.