Dr Eve®

Cape Town based Dr. Marlene Wasserman – a.k.a. Dr Eve® – is the founder of the South African household brand of the same name which has come to represent professionalism, pleasure, respect, and responsibility.
She is an internationally trained AASECT (American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists) and a certified clinical sexologist and couple and sex therapist.
Also an academic, educator, award-winning author and a well-known media celebrity, Dr Eve has her own weekly, live radio and television programmes.
After many years of being an online expert educator and counselor to youth throughout Africa, she began, in 2013, research into online relationship and sexuality behavior – and specifically cyber infidelity.
Internationally she presents papers at conferences and does professional training and public appearances on ”Managing online behavior”. She is a Temporary Adviser for the WHO (World Health Organisation).
In 2016 Marlene expanded her role as a sexual health medico-legal expert and certified medico-legal mediator.
Her current areas of clinical interest are #CyberInfidelity, #ModernLove and #IntimacyTrauma.
Having written 4 best-selling books on woman’s sexuality, sexuality education for youth, ageing and cyber infidelity, Dr Eve is an international opinion-leader on cyber infidelity, a columnist, and blogger for both South African and international media,
She has pioneered sexual health and rights education, information and counselling in South Africa.Utilising multiple forums, from live mobile chat platforms with youth, to global public appearances, Marlene’s passion is based on providing evidence-based education across all age groups cultures.
In 2015 Marlene’s groundbreaking book “Cyber Infidelity: The New Seduction “ (Human & Rousseau) was published to global acclaim. This work now defines her clinical and academic interest in contemporary intimacies and modern day love.