

Dr. M Minnaar

Dr. M Minnaar

Mark qualified as a medical doctor in 1991 and furthered his studies with a postgraduate diploma in Anaesthetics in 1994. He obtained his degree as a specialist ophthalmologist in 2001 from the South African Fellowship of Surgeons. Mark joined the Pretoria Eye Institute in 2001 and was elected to the board of the Pretoria Eye Institute in 2005. In 2006 he was part of a team from CSIR, the Pretoria Eye Institute and the Wits Health Consortium that developed, patented and marketed the EyebornHydroxyapatite orbital implant.

In 2007 he was elected as managing director of the Pretoria Eye Institute, a role that he fulfilled until December 2010. He was the financial director of the Pretoria Eye Institute from 2010 to 2012. He was a co-founder of and served as the managing director on the boards of the following property investment companies until 2014: Shanike Investments Proprietary Limited, Pretoria Eye Institute Investments, Laritza Investments No 171.
