

Dr Same Sizakele Mdluli

Dr Same Sizakele Mdluli

Dr Same Sizakele Mdluli has worked as an administrator at both the Cape Town and Johannesburg Goodman Gallery in 2007 and 2010 respectively and also taught art for a few years at primary school level. Dr Mdluli has participated in numerous group exhibitions and won some awards including the 2012 Mentorship Award from the South African Arts Writers & Critics Association and Post Graduate Merit Award from the Wits University in South Africa.

In 2012 and 2013 she was selected as a Junior Research Scholar at the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles and as a participant at the Diversitas Summer School in Germany respectively. Dr Same Sizakele Mdluli is co-founder of the cultural heritage organisation Qriocity and is currently completing a doctorate in Art History at Wits University whilst working part time as the programmes co-ordinator for the Roger Ballen Foundation in Johannesburg.
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