Dr Sasha Jogi

Dr Sasha Jogi is a Director at Arup Zimbabwe (Private) Limited. Dr Sasha Jogi is well qualified and has extensive experience in Development Planning with particular reference to Environmental, Regional and Urban Planning in both the public and private sectors in Zimbabwe.
In the public sector as Provincial Planning Officer, Mashonaland (East, West and Central) he has been involved in the conceptualisation, preparation and implementation of Government Policy as it related to development with special reference to the
- National Urban Settlement Hierarchy
- Provincial and District Planning and the
- design of Growth Points, Rural Service and Business Centres.
In the private sector he has spearheaded the preparation of the National Housing Policy as well as prepared and approved Master and Local Plans in both the rural and urban areas. He has also been involved in Strategic Planning both at a company and institutional level e.g. Marondera Municipality, Zimbabwe Agricultural Society As President of the Zimbabwe Institute of Regional and Urban Planners he has initiated the involvement of Professional Development Institutions (architects, engineers, realtors etc) in the preparation of a National Planning and Development Agenda as well as direct involvement in the delivery of housing in Harare.
Dr Sasha is a member of several professional associations and also sits in committees.