

Dr Sean Phillips

Dr Sean Phillips

Dr Sean Phillips was appointed Director-General in April 2010. He holds a PhD in civil engineering and Master of Management degree (cum laude) from the School of Public and Development Management at the University of the Witswatersrand (Wits). Other qualifications include a MSc in Project Management and Municipal Engineering for Developing Areas from Wits and a BEng (Hons) in engineering design and appropriate technology from Warwick University, United Kingdom.

Dr Phillips worked as a director of management consulting firm Global Sustainable Development from 2008 to 2010, and prior to this was a programme manager for the competitive supplier development programme at the Department of Public Enterprises. Dr Phillips has 11 years’ experience working for the Department of Public Works at national and provincial level. His professional experience includes working as a researcher for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Wits and as an engineer at James Croswell and Associates consulting engineers.
