

Duncan M. Okun

Duncan M. Okun joined the bank in November 2016 as the Chief Risk Officer (CRO) responsible for overseeing all matters relating to governance, Risk Compliance and Control frameworks in the bank.
He holds an MBA (finance) from University of Nairobi, post graduate diploma in Financial Management from KSMS and a B.A in Economics and Management from Moi University. He is an associate of the KIB and KSMS, Certified Securities and Investment analysts and has a Risk Certification Level 1 and 2.

Duncan M. Okun has over 10 years experience in senior management roles. Prior to joining the Bank, he worked with KCB as the Group Head of Operations Risk which provides support to subsidiaries in UG, Rwanda, Burundi, TZ and Sudan. He has previously worked in Standard Chartered Bank in various positions and in KCB under different roles where he designed and rolled out the operational risk frameworks. Stayed in Kanya.
