

Eddie Botes

Eddie Botes

Eddie Botes is an international business motivational speaker and facilitator based in Cape Town, South Africa. For over a decade and a half, Eddie has been inspiring and challenging audiences to think differently in a world that is changing faster than we can imagine. He has spoken and trained in eight countries with audiences as diverse as corporate executives in multi-national organizations to traditional leaders from some of the most remote locations on the planet.

Eddie’s authentic, engaging and dynamic presentation style combined with meaningful content will push the boundaries of your current thinking and challenge you to see yourself, your company and other people through new lenses. He has the ability to connect with audiences across the boundaries of age, gender, race, social status or belief system and the message he leaves will linger long in the minds of delegates and inspire them to take meaningful action. You can expect a presentation that is well researched, relevant and entertaining and that has real take home value. Eddie will research your organisation thoroughly and ensure that he understands exactly what you are trying to accomplish at your conference or event.

Eddie is the founder of an organisation that is dedicated to helping people and organisations to lead, serve and sell more effectively in the new economy and creating performance organisational cultures. This is achieved through world class presentations and training interventions, as well as through state of the art profiling and assessment solutions.
