Eduardo Tugendhat
Director Palladium
Eduardo Tugendhat leads Palladium teams the design and implementation of Inclusive Growth strategies in partnership with mining and food and agriculture, as well as financial institutions. For mining and extractive companies, this has involved proactively investing in transformative legacy initiatives resulting in measurable economic, social and environmental outcomes and implementation mechanisms that endure beyond the life of the mine. This involves integrating other corporate partners in food/agriculture, renewable energy, workforce development, health delivery, and eco-tourism, as well as sources of funding such as government programs, impact investors, other mining companies, and carbon/biodiversity buyers, into commercially enduring facilities or platforms. We focus on inclusive supply chain and natural resource protection and recovery solutions that provide those closest to the land with pathways to prosperity and resilience through direct and long term access to markets, finance and technology. Mr. Tugendhat has particular expertise in rural development but has worked across a range of industries and geographies.
Mr. Tugendhat was co-founder and CEO of CARANA Corporation, now part of Palladium. He started his career at Arthur D. Little as a management consultant. He has worked in over 70 countries in 14 distinct sectors and industries.
With Professors Kaplan and Serafeim of the Harvard Business School, he co-authored “Inclusive Growth: Profitable Strategies for Tackling Poverty and Inequality” published in Harvard Business Review in January 2018 and “Intelligent Design of Inclusive Growth Strategies” published as a Harvard Business School Working Paper in 2019. With ICMM he has collaborated on a series of white papers on building community resilience and engaging with indigenous communities.
He is a graduate of Harvard University and University of Wisconsin