Elizabeth Paula Akinyi Odero

Elizabeth Odero has less than a year’s experience in the field of conservation, specifically conservation education. She was an intern/volunteer at the African Fund for Endangered Wildlife (AFEW) Kenya, also known as Giraffe Center, whose main focus is the protection and breeding of the endangered Rothschild giraffe as well as conservation education. Elizabeth holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Conservation and Natural Resource Management. At AFEW, she was tasked with a number of responsibilities, including conservation education, the tree nursery, the nature sanctuary, and animal welfare management. The experience enabled her to fully understand the correlation between species population and conservation of the environment. Elizabeth Paula Akinyi Odero is driven by her commitment to solving the problems brought about by environmental destruction such as, deforestation, pollution, and endangering and extinction of animal species in Kenya. Thus, she wishes to sensitize the community on ways to conserve the environment, mitigate the effects of its degradation, and promote sustainable living in harmony with nature. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Elizabeth plans to gain more experience in conservation to become an authoritative figure on matters conservation and eventually start an organization that promotes conservation education and waste management in an environmentally friendly manner.