Elzabe Rockman

Ms Elzabe Rockman is the directorgeneral of the Free State provincial government, a position she has held since September 2010. She has a BEd degree in Languages and BA (Hons) in English from the University of the Free State. In the early nineties Ms Rockman started her career as the editor of The Voice, a Bloemfonteinbased community newspaper, and was involved with the Transformation Action Group and the local chapter of the End Conscription Campaign. She was appointed as the first secretary of the Free State Legislature following the 1994 elections. She subsequently became one of the convening secretaries of the Secretaries Association of the Legislatures of South Africa.
Ms Rockman also served as the treasurer of the executive committee and the secretary responsible for finance and information technology at SALSA. Her leadership roles include serving on the board of the Gauteng and Free State Legislatures Joint Provident Fund, and as the chairperson of the Audit Committee of the Mangaung Local Municipality. Ms Rockman is a member of the Council of the Central University of Technology.