

Enkromelle Andrew

Enkromelle Andrew

Enkromelle Andrew – Motivational Speaker  is a strong entrepreneurial professional, environment enthusiast, graduate of the University of Zimbabwe and former Miss Earth Zimbabwe. She is part of Conference Speakers South Africa.

Skilled in motivational speaking, personal branding, and concept development. As a strategist Enkromelle’s experience in working closely with key brands makes her one of the youngest most insightful and powerful strategists.

Her cutting-edge style in the delivery of her talks inspires and leads individuals and organisations towards doing great work through the disposition of teamwork and ignition of innovation.

Known for her electric stage presence, Enkromelle Andrew is a keynote speaker on brand and business strategy, with a demonstrated history of success.

Enkromelle Andrew fills her days with all things adventure. A typical day could entail mountain climbing, picking flowers, having lots of frozen yogurt, a good book and a strong brewed cup of coffee.

In much of my work with brands, Enkromelle Andrew – Motivational Speaker gets asked the same question more times than I can count, “How can I make my employees see the bigger picture?” As the captain of the ship, you have the end goal in mind and you have already envisioned it, but how can this same vision in the same detail to yours be shared with your employee. As a CEO or Executive of a company, you want to have everyone playing their part during their working hours. But with the latest technologies and apps, a large number of your people waste away hours on social media platforms or cafeteria rooms, slowly it starts to hurt your numbers and turnover.

The question is, “has the vision been shared with everyone? The parable of the Three Stonecutters is an old story told in Peter F Drucker’s book ‘The Practice of Management’, you have probably heard of it before and it remains one of the most powerful illustrations to what am about to shed light on today.

In the story are three stonecutters who were asked what they were doing. The first replied, ‘I am making a living.’ The second kept on hammering while he said, ‘I am doing the best job of stonecutting in the entire country.’ The third one looked up with a visionary gleam in his eyes and said, ‘I am building a cathedral.’

According to Drucker the first Stoneman is happy to just do his day’s work and get his wage. Such a teammate will only provide support to your structure and that is okay, you will need support. The second Stoneman is the one all team leaders should be worried about, the second man is brilliant at his work but that is as far as it goes. The height of his career is met when he does a great job that is all he strives to be, he has no desire to be much more but the best at his skill set.

Your team members should not only want to strive for the best in getting the job done, they must strive for an end result. See when you have great teammates who just show up to work to do a good job, then there could be a situation. Doing a good job alone is not enough if it does not feed into the bigger picture, the vision. Now the third man instead of his skill set gives a remarkable answer “I am building a cathedral”.

This stonecutter understood the vision, and he worked towards the vision. To mean that he was not only going to carve great stones like his teammates, he would carve stones that would work well in the construction of a cathedral. He’s end goal is not a great stone, he’s end goal is a stone that has all the best qualities to aid in the building of the cathedral.

Is your Vision, for your company shared amongst your team? Is your strategy well communicated?

Strategy is an action plan on how to meet the requirements of the completion of the overall long-run task. You need to guide your troops towards properly accomplishing the Vision and Mission of the company.

  • The first thing you need is a strategy, one that is well communicated and smart.
  • A strategy that can realise short and long-term goals and in the end boost your revenue.
  • All this will depend on the kind of business you are?
  • Do you sell products or render services?
  • What space do you play in?

This is Ikigai and what Enkromelle speaks on.


Ikigai (pronounced i-ki-ɡai) is a Japanese concept that means “a reason for being.” The word “ikigai” is usually used to indicate the source of value in one’s life or the things that make one’s life worthwhile. The word translated to English roughly means “thing that you live for“.

Each individual’s Ikigai is personal to them and specific to their lives, values and beliefs.

It reflects the inner self of an individual and expresses that faithfully, while simultaneously creating a mental state in which the individual feels at ease. Activities that allow one to feel Ikigai are never forced on an individual; they are often spontaneous, and always undertaken willingly, giving the individual satisfaction and a sense of meaning to life.
