Enoch Yeboah Agyepong

Everything about Enoch Yeboah Agyepong resonates care, transparency, and excellence. With over 13 years’ experience in the private sector, community-based development, international business, and volunteerism, he focuses on sustainability initiatives and projects, such as green growth, circular economy and enterprise development, for sustainable livelihood improvement. Currently a development worker and public servant as a Project Engineer on the Ghana Compact II, he works to strengthen the regulatory and policy environment of Ghana’s power sector, ultimately to enhance socio-economic development and to reduce poverty. Mr. Agyepong holds a M.B.A from Aarhus University in Denmark and a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana. Enoch Yeboah Agyepong functions in various philanthropic capacities. He is a board member of two organizations he partly founded, Renewable Energy Association of Ghana (REAG), where he serves as Secretary and Executive, and Danida Alumni Network of Ghana (DAN-G), where he serves as Chair. Additionally, he is the Business Director of Junior Chamber International (JCI) ‘Accra Royale’, Sustainability Director at SigmaStrat, Secretary of Bible Study and Cells Committee for Pentecost International Worship Center- Atomic, a Board Advisor for Enactus GIMPA, and a Steering Committee Member for the Ministry of Energy/GIZ project ‘Capacity for the Successful Implementation of the Renewable Energy Act’ (C-SIREA). Passionate about effective multi-stakeholder collaboration, Enoch, a godly man noted for his service, learning and teaching, will leverage on the experiences of the Fellowship to continue to develop critical masses as change agents resolute in their commitment and firm in their decisions, and willing to explore best practices especially of their professional practices to fully benefit many beyond themselves – a mission started from Ghana!