

Eric Ayuk Besong

Eric Ayuk Besong

Eric Besong is a passionate medical professional, hardworking and ambitious. He is a strong advocate for providing health care to the underprivileged and fighting against hospital milieu malpractices. Eric has over four years’ experience as a medical officer and currently holds positions of District Medical Officer (Rey-Bouba health district) and Chief Medical Officer (district hospital)Eric Ayuk Besong manages all health programs and projects of Rey-Bouba health district, which involves the planning, implementation, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation of all these activities. Eric holds an MD degree from the University of Yaounde 1, Cameroon and is currently taking an online Master’s course in Public Health. Upon his return he plans to share his new knowledge by organizing capacity building seminars to enrich fellow colleagues in managerial positions. He has as ten-year goal to set up his own humanitarian NGO which will focus primarily on providing quality health care to the underprivileged.
