Esra Kavetu

Esra Kavetu has over four years of experience leveraging technological solutions for humanity. Specifically, Esra is the country liaison for World Possible Organization, where he focuses on content development, asset management, deployment, and technical and advisory roles for the B2Gold Oshikoto Mine Library Pi Project. Esra Kavetu is also an ambassador for the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Smart Village Program, which is working on a revolutionary project to bring TVWS Onternet, education and power to remote areas of Namibia. Esra earned a Bachelors Degree in Accounting at the University of Namibia is now furthering his studies in the STEM field. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Esra plans to continue with his work reinventing Education and bringing Energy and Commerce to previously disadvantaged communities in his native Namibia.