Estelle Levin-Nally
Founder & CEO Levin Sources
Partnering with public, private and third sector actors to shape more sustainable minerals sectors for business, society and environment for 20+ years, Estelle was doing ‘ESG’ before it was called ‘ESG’! She is a proud WIM100 Global Inspirational Woman, and member of the Indaba Sustainability Committee
At Indaba, she is looking to connect with organisations with an interest in responsible sourcing, ASM sector development, facilitating trade of sustainable minerals, and pioneering human rights-led environmental regeneration and climate-smart mining.
Estelle’s diverse expertise builds upon her multidisciplinary training in sustainable development, her engagement with the full spectrum of interests at play in the minerals system, and her experience as a company owner and director. In 2022 she oversaw advisory projects for clients in British venture capital, West African gold mining, European battery manufacturing, and Indian jewellery; she also led the authorship of the OECD Handbook for Supply Chain Due Diligence in Minerals Supply Chains, the World Bank’s Bolt-on Standard for Forest-Smart Artisanal and Small-scale Mining, and the Human Rights and Child Labour Indices for the Global Battery Alliance’s Battery Passport.
Levin Sources are experts in delivering successful projects for global clients, including over 120 change-making projects in Africa since 2010 with governments, development finance institutions, miners, investors, mineral processors, OEMs, and collaborative initiatives. Together, we shape a sustainable minerals sector that builds enduring value for society and nature by upholding human rights, conducting business responsibly and facilitating good governance.