

Eugene Odanga Masinde

Eugene Odanga Masinde

Eugene Odanga Masinde has over five years of experience in business development and innovation, with a primary focus on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and startups. Currently, Eugene is a Founder at the Taalanta Initiative, a youth-driven organization focused on talent development as an alternative source of income for young people. Here, his primary focus is business development, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Eugene Odanga Masinde holds a master’s degree in Mobile Innovation from Strathmore University, where he focused on context aware services and the strong emphasis on innovation around the mobile and telecommunications sectorEugene is driven by his commitment to youth affairs and development and, one day, hopes to be a part of an Africa where the youth are at the center of development and innovation. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Eugene plans to continue his work in youth development with a focus on talent, entrepreneurship, and innovation as alternative sources of livelihood for the millions of unemployed and underemployed youth in Africa. Stayed in Kenya.
