Fatoumata Binta Diallo

Fatoumata Binta Diallo has over six years of experience working with struggling communities in Africa, especially in the education and health care sectors. Currently, she is the president of Humani-Action Teliwel, a non-profit organization that focuses on offering services for a better quality of education and easy access to safe clinics and hospitals in sub-Saharan Africa. Fatoumata Binta Diallo is also part of Mentor for Change, a program that aims to provide mentoring services and connect high school students in Guinea to working professionals around the world. Fatoumata hold a graphic design degree, and a public relations and communication management degree from McGill University.Fatoumata’s goal is to have an impact on the education and health care system in Africa. She is driven by her commitment to social development, which she plans to actively involve the youth through programs. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Fatoumata plans to continue her work with the youth of Africa so that they have access to education and better healthcare.